Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HARO! welcome to darren and damien's Book of Durian Illness Dictionary. haha.
These are all illnesses and fears found by Damien and Darren. Do look through and think about it.

Durianitis (ILLNESS) - A known source of viral infection where by the infected will get sore throat after eating durians.

Durianaphobia (FEAR) - A new fear whereby people fear durian by one of the 4 out of 5 senses of the human body. Sight, Sense, Smell and Taste.

Durianzeema (ILLNESS) - A new form of illness where people will develop skin problems and rashes after eating durians of which, without proper medication, will lead to eczeema.

Duriphemgitis (ILLNESS) - A cause of phelgm and coughs causing fever after eating durians.

these are real illness and fears. LARRY(IFC) has dem. hehehehehe!!!

Have fun!!!

disneycutie @ 7/30/2008 12:21:00 PM